A Credit Lawyer Can Help Correct Your Credit History

April 1, 2024

Do you have a credit report error you can't fix? Talk to a credit lawyer at Schlanger Law Group

We know that credit reporting agencies and creditors may not accept responsibility when they make mistakes. Sometimes, they simply don’t respond, hoping you will just go away.  At Schlanger Law Group, we won’t go away until the job is done.

We’ll fight for:

  • An accurate credit report
  • Compensation for your losses 
  • Your attorney’s fees and costs paid by the other side

The Importance of Your Credit History

Your credit history is a crucial aspect of your financial life, akin to a report card detailing your borrowing and repayment behavior over time. It’s maintained by credit reporting agencies (CRAs) the three largest being Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion in the USA. If your credit history has errors or inaccurate information, they can unfairly show up in your credit report and damage your credit score. According to the FTC, millions of Americans have unwarranted negative marks or mistakes on their credit reports.

If you have credit reporting errors you could face a situation in which:

  • Your loan application could be rejected
  • A landlord may refuse to rent to you
  • Your credit cards could be canceled, or your interest rates increased
  • Car insurance can cost more
  • You could lose a job opportunity


Many credit history and credit reporting errors are caused by identity theft. Unfortunately, identity theft is growing in the United States and more consumers are victimized every year. If you find errors in your credit reports, you have the right to dispute them. That being said, whether because of identity theft or other reasons, we know that credit reporting agencies and creditors may not accept responsibility for credit reporting errors.

How A Credit Lawyer Can Help You

If you discover legitimate credit reporting errors that you can’t correct, it’s time to work with a credit lawyer. Credit lawyers use fair credit reporting laws to protect consumers from the negative consequences of credit reporting errors.

A dedicated fair credit reporting lawyer can help correct these credit report problems:

  • Credit reporting errors due to identity theft
  • Mistakes from data belonging to someone else
  • Errors from incorrect account balances and payments not properly credited
  • False reporting of discharged debts or older accounts
  • Debts that were previously corrected but re-reported.

Credit lawyers can also:

  • Explain the consumer protection laws and how they affect you
  • Gather evidence to support your dispute and draft strong dispute letters
  • Negotiate to resolve your dispute by settlement
  • File legal action if settlement is not possible
  • Recover your attorney’s fees and costs so you don’t have to pay to correct mistakes
  • Work with you to clear up your credit history.

How Consumer Protection Laws Help You

Federal laws are in place to address credit reporting errors, credit billing, and how companies can collect debts from consumers. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a cornerstone in consumer financial protection, offering safeguards that empower individuals to manage and protect their credit information effectively:

  • Access and Accuracy: Under the FCRA, you have the fundamental right to access your credit report annually for free from each of the three major credit reporting agencies, ensuring you can review it for accuracy. If inaccuracies are found, you possess the power to dispute these errors, prompting a mandatory investigation by the reporting agency to correct or remove false information.
  • Privacy and Consent: This law strictly regulates who can access your credit information and under what circumstances, primarily limiting this access to entities with a legitimate need, such as creditors or employers, and often requiring your explicit consent. This ensures your financial information is shared responsibly and protects your privacy.
  • Protection and Recourse: The FCRA offers a protective framework for your financial information, including the right to be informed of the use of your credit report in adverse decisions against you, such as loan denial. Moreover, it grants you the ability to seek damages in court for violations of its provisions, reinforcing the importance of understanding and exercising these rights to safeguard your financial well-being and privacy.


Other consumer protection laws a credit lawyer may use are the The Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA), the Truth in Lending Act (TILA), the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) and the The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

Our Law Firm's Focus is Credit Reporting Litigation

The attorneys at Schlanger Law Group have deep experience litigating fair credit reporting act cases, which are one of the firm’s core practice areas. We provide individualized attention, tenacity, and skill. We’ll keep you informed every step of the way. We make sure you understand your options and what to expect.

We have built a solid reputation and track record of success for our clients. We won’t hesitate to take on CRAs, creditors, and their attorneys. We will fight to restore your credit and financial future.

Consumer protection is a complex area of law. Many general practitioners don’t understand the law or how to enforce it. Fighting for victims of inaccurate credit reporting is what we do. To schedule a free consultation and learn more about how we can help you fight back, call (212) 500-6114 or contact us by clicking the button below.

Man in glasses, suit, and tie.

Reviewed by: Attorney Daniel Schlanger, Managing Partner

Written by: Schlanger Law Group

Schlanger Law Group LLP serves clients in New Jersey, New York, and throughout the United States with consumer protection, credit reporting, and identity theft issues.