5 Reasons Why Credit Repair Organizations Could Waste Your Time and Money When You Need To Fix Credit Reporting Errors

By: The Schlanger Law Group Legal Team 

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5 Reasons Why Credit Repair Organizations Could Waste Your Time and Money When You Need To Fix Credit Reporting Errors

August 1, 2024

Credit report errors can have potentially devastating financial consequences. Imagine applying for a mortgage or a car loan, only to be denied because of mistakes on your credit report that are not your fault. The resultant low credit score due to credit reporting errors can damage your financial reputation, limit your opportunities, and cause undue stress. For many, the idea of hiring a credit repair organization seems like a quick fix. However, here’s why relying on these services might not be the best course of action.

1. Disputes Legally Require Meaningful Involvement Of The Actual Party

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), disputes about credit report errors must come directly from the consumer.  Yet, many credit repair organizations routinely submit disputes you have never reviewed on your behalf. Many courts have ruled that these “disputes” are not “from the consumer” even when the credit repair organization gets permission from you in advance to add your signature to every letter, “act on your behalf”, etc.  Without a real dispute letter that is actually from the consumer,  the letters sent by the credit repair organization are virtually meaningless from a legal standpoint:  most of the FCRA’s powerful consumer protections don’t ever kick in.

2. Influx of Template Letters That Are Ignored

Credit repair companies are high volume operations that have a model based on sending out thousands or even millions of boilerplate letters to dispute errors on credit reports. Credit bureaus receive an extraordinary volume of these letters, making them easy to identify. When credit bureaus suspect a letter is from a credit repair organization, they may dismiss it without proper review, assuming it lacks genuine consumer involvement.

And because the letters are mass produced, they are typically “one size fits all” and don’t contain key details regarding your case and supporting documents that can be key to a positive outcome.  For example, the person who is disputing accounts that are not theirs or payments that were made on time but are listed as late has legitimate claims regarding specific mistakes on their credit report.  A one-size-fits-all letter that is sent on behalf of thousands of different consumers, including some who are not victims of any meaningful credit reporting inaccuracy may be profitable for the credit repair organization but is not in the best interest of a consumer who can identify specific and significant inaccuracies.

3. High Risk of Fraud

The credit repair industry is fraught with fraud. Many companies charge exorbitant fees upfront and fail to deliver the promised results. For instance, a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) report highlighted numerous cases where credit repair companies were sued for deceptive practices, such as charging for services they never rendered or making false promises about their capabilities.

4. Your FCRA Protections Could Run Out

While you’re wasting time with credit repair organizations, your protection under the FCRA could expire. The FCRA gives you the right to dispute inaccurate information on your credit report, but these rights are time-sensitive. Delaying action by relying on ineffective credit repair services might result in missing the window to rectify errors. Act swiftly and take charge of the process yourself to ensure you are not left unprotected and with unresolved credit issues.

5. Unnecessary Ancillary Services

Many credit repair companies bundle unnecessary ancillary services that do not directly contribute to correcting your credit report. These might include offering credit monitoring, identity theft protection, or other financial products that inflate the cost without providing significant value to your efforts to fix the mistakes on your credit report.

It is also important to remember that a consumer can dispute their credit report for free and the FCRA requires this dispute be investigated responded to within 30 days.

Contact Schlanger Law Group

If you’ve been struggling with credit report errors that have affected your financial standing, consider reaching out to Schlanger Law Group. We regularly help victims of credit reporting errors correct their credit score, restore their good name and receive warranted compensation.

We understand the legal and logistical challenges you are facing and our mission is to advocate for your rights, ensuring you receive justice and fair treatment. You can trust us to stand by your side, offering not only top-notch legal representation but also guidance every step of the way to a positive outcome.

Contact us now for your free case consultation.

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Reviewed by: Attorney Daniel Schlanger, Managing Partner

Written by: Schlanger Law Group

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